Our concept of life is too Earth-centric — alien life might look totally different
Read now →There are over 100 scientific definitions of "life," and none might be accurate outside Earth
Alison Koontz
I’m a PhD student at Caltech, working in the lab of Dr. Marianne Bronner. I research questions on the neural crest and neural placodes and their role in building the sensory nervous system during development. I also investigate developmental stem cell populations, particularly of the peripheral nervous system.
There are over 100 scientific definitions of "life," and none might be accurate outside Earth
A study linking an edited CCR5 gene with dying young didn't pass the smell test
Place cells in the brain light up in familiar places, both on the ground and climbing in the air
Diseases like Alzheimer's and schizophrenia manifest differently in men and women, and that's important to know