
Hector Tejero

Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

Institute of Evolutionary Biology, Barcelona

I have always thought that the most difficult thing in life is to know what you want, and, as a person who doesn’t know what they want, I chose to study biology without any special reason. So I moved from my native town Toledo (Spain) to Madrid, and there I spent the following four years, learning a lot of things about the world and getting to know some of the people I’ll probably be with for the rest of my life. But still without a clue about what I wanted for my future, I seized the opportunities as they came, and that took me to Barcelona to do my Master’s degree in Biodiversity, after which I committed to stay four more years doing a PhD on reptiles from arid areas. Right now I am on the last of those four years, trying to find out what I want to do later, although my experience has taught me that sometimes to drift is actually the best way to get to one’s destination.

Hector has shared 2 notes

New squirrel species appeared faster when squirrels came down from the trees

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New research identifies important factors in the evolutionary history of squirrels

Sabre-toothed carnivores killed many types of prey in many ways

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New study reveals richer diversity among these convergently evolved predators than previously thought