Nechama has shared 2 notes

Most patients prefer to access abortion medication from pharmacists instead of clinics

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Medication abortion has been around for 20 years, and is a safe alternative to surgical abortion for many pregnant people

Your dog's chewing behavior might be a sign of their intelligence

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New research asks whether we should add dogs to the list of animals that use tools

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We must reckon with our ableism if we want healthcare to work for people

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People who had COVID-19 may need long-term care — the US healthcare system isn't ready

Olivia Bernard

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New research shows how one sniff separates trillions of molecules into smells

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These new findings could explain how humans are capable of detecting over a trillion odors

Thiago Arzua

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A smell test can predict whether unresponsive patients will recover

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Smell could be the key to predicting recovery paths for people after brain injuries

Thiago Arzua

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