
Vivian Su


University of Southern California

I’m currently a student at the University of Southern California majoring in Human Biology and minoring in Psychology! I was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area and both of my parents are Taiwanese. While I am passionate about science, I enjoy learning about everything and have a wide variety of interests/hobbies, which include reading & writing, traveling, dancing, and ikebana, or Japanese flower arranging.

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Traditional Chinese medicine could help treat COVID-19

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Chinese doctors took this approach with SARS in 2003, and are hoping it could work again

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Sea-level rise is putting our marshes at risk

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The effects of a higher sea level will ripple through entire ecosystems

Olivia Bernard

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Scientists are producing data without sharing it with people who actually need it

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Paywalls and language barriers make results inaccessible for local managers and residents

Maria Gatta

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