
Jenna Sternberg


Jenna has authored 1 article

The gut microbiome can hit fast forward on Alzheimer's disease progression

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Male — but not female — mice had reduced amyloid beta plaques in the brain after antibiotic treatment

Jenna Sternberg

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Jenna has shared 2 notes

How crickets and fireflies could inspire safer bike sharing programs

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Bugs and bikes can both light up the night

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Microglia may be the missing clue to solve the opioid epidemic

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These tiny cells have the machinery to sense opioids, and targeting them may relieve opioid addiction

Sara Whitestone

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Neuroscience should take sex differences in the brain more seriously

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Diseases like Alzheimer's and schizophrenia manifest differently in men and women, and that's important to know

Aarthi Gobinath

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