Massive has authored 25 articles

A transcendental visualization of pi, for Pi Day

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Let your mind drift in the styles of Marcel Duchamp and Philip Glass

Massive Staff

Massive Science celebrates love, nature-style

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Flowers, chocolate, and light-based mating dances

Massive Staff

What have we learned from science's most infamous doctor-patient relationship?

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Reanimation! is a seven-part, animated series on the lasting impact of Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein'

Massive Staff

Watch Nadja Oertelt's TEDMED talk, now online

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Massive's CCO gave the Hive talk in November 2017

Massive Staff

Remembering Ursula K. Le Guin, an inspiration to scientists

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Le Guin was a testament to how fiction reveals truth, empathy, and the beauty of knowledge

Massive Staff

Seeking: scientists who want to write impactful climate stories

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Apply for free training in science storytelling, two published articles, and a place in our vibrant community of peers

Massive Staff

4 incredible fossils found by paleoanthropologist Mary Leakey

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Meet the British anthropologist who completely changed our understanding of the hominid ancestral tree

Massive Staff

Meet the woman who changed how we treat cancer

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Jane Cooke Wright saved millions by making chemotherapy more effective

Massive Staff

Meet Sau Lan Wu, the physicist who helped discover three fundamental particles

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Most scientists spend their careers hoping for a single big discovery. Sau Lan Wu has had three and is still searching for more.

Massive Staff

Meet the first Black woman to earn a PhD in chemistry

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Marie Maynard Daly worked at a time when our understanding of DNA was changing in big ways

Massive Staff

Massive has shared 5 notes

A reading and listening list for scientific anti-racism

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Angry about the murder of George Floyd? Want to learn more? Start here

Buy your scientist Valentine books from our reading list

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Our writers' recommendations for books about health, including pain, teeth, sex, and mental health

A science holiday guide for the nerd in your life

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Show people how much they mean to you with brain games, microbe toys, animal art, and more

Scientists just cut the tolerable intake of PFAs by 99.9%

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PFAs are everywhere. In cosmetics, wrapping your greasy take-out burgers, and eventually, 98% of humans' bloodstreams. The recommended tolerable intake for PFAs was just cut by 99.9%.